Semantic Image Segmentation on MNISTDD-RGB

A project where I customize U-Net for semantic segmentation on double digit MNIST RGB.

Link to the GitHub repo


I customize U-Net on a MNIST Double Digits RGB (MNISTDD-RGB) for a train-valid-test split dataset which was provided from CMPUT 328.

Dataset consists of:

  • input: numpy array of numpy arrays which each represent pixels in the image, shape: number of samples, 12288 (flattened 64x64x3 images)
  • output:
    • segementations: numpy array of numpy arrays which each represents the labels in the corresponding image, shape: number of samples, 4096 (flattened 64x64)

I customized a U-Net model for image segmentation. I achieve an accuracy of 87%.

MNIST Double Digits RGB Dataset Sample.
I apply semantic segmentation where the background is black and each is colored.


(2017).Pytorch-Unet, from

I used CMPUT 328’s code templates from:
Assignment 8: Image Segmentation/ from A8_submission and Image Segmentation/ from A8_main